Stay Safe Guides

As part of the effort to provide East Marsh residents with advice and information on community safety matters, Capacity Buildings Ltd was commissioned to produce a new version of their Stay Safe guide booklet.

The Stay Safe booklets are full of locally focused advice on matters related to personal or household safety and are aimed at older people (although most of the advice is relevant to everyone). The guide is specifically printed because of the target audience who may not be online. Physical information in this form is also likely to stay around longer to reach more people.

The original Stay Safe guides were produced for Cleethorpes by VANEL, Capacity Buildings and Big Local North Cleethorpes at the end of Covid lockdowns. Various updated copies have since been produced including a copy for East Marsh funded in early 2022 by East Marsh Involve.

The new Safer Streets funded version has been written in a way to not get out of date easily, and a digital version is available as well as a website version for the first time. An audio version of much of the content is also available to make it even more accessible.

Around 2000+ copies of the guide have been printed and distributed – most to East Marsh residents. Copies are available in community venues throughout East Marsh.

The guides contain information on a huge number of topics including:
Scams and fraud
Home fire safety
Contacting the Police and reporting crimes
Flood preparation
Dealing with weather extremes
Protecting your property against burglary
Lots of useful contact numbers
and much more.

The guides have been well received by residents, but they are also popular with community groups and programme partners as they provide an easy way of engaging with (older) residents, starting up conversations about community safety matters and providing easy advice.

Download the .pdf of the Safer Streets funded version of the guide here.

Visit the website:

Photo of a display of stay safe

Photo of Steve holding a stay safe guide at a drop in