Who was involved?

Safer Streets 4 in East Marsh was delivered through a large number of organisations. Some as partners; some contractors; and many delivering individual parts of the overall programme.

North East Lincolnshire Council

Lead body for the programme. Commissioned by the funder to coordinate the whole project. Project management of the major physical components of the project (cameras, lights, gates, signage)


Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner

The funder. Using national Home Office Safer Streets funding, the local Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner was responsible for the commissioning process.


Humberside Police – Neighbourhood Policing Teams

The local Policing team for East Marsh led on additional policing measures in the area over the period of the Safer Streets programme and worked closely with all partners to ensure everyone was working on the same priorities.



Responsible for infrastructure in East Marsh so they worked closely with North East Lincolnshire Council on the various contractor and installation elements of the programme.



Delivery of Target Hardening programme to carry out home safety visits and install appropriate safety equipment. Supported over 500 households with visits during the programme.


East Marsh United

Centre of Excellence Champion for the programme.

Ongoing drop-ins for the community at office in Freeman Street Market

Leading the long term project to bring the Mariners Pub back into use as a community building.

Leading another long term project to create a community run ‘pocket park’ on a disused open space originally owned by LHP.


VANEL (Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire)

Local charity leading on a number of community involving parts of the programme.

Delivered household/personal security equipment ‘cache’ project.

Provided advice on scams and identity theft and provided community shredders.

Led Neighbourhood Networking initiative supporting Neighbourhood Watch and other resident led networks.

Provided administration services for the ‘community wallet’ funding pot as part of the Safer Streets programme.

Created and distributed the Stay Safe advice booklets and website

Prepared the legacy newsletter and website for the programme




East Marsh Involve

Local ward forum group which led on a number of projects funded through Safer Streets. But also delivers their own meetings, drop-ins, events and projects supporting the residents and community of East Marsh which worked alongside the main Safer Streets programme and added value to the initiative.

Held weekly drop-ins within the community.

Delivered two Movies on the Marsh community days.


Capacity Buildings Ltd

Local social enterprise supporting Safer Streets through delivery of a couple of funded projects.

Managed the art project providing a piece of community urban art on the sides of the Canopy Community Hub building in Grant Thorold Park as an example of ‘Designing Out Crime’.


Canopy Community Hub

Was refurbished and reopened as a cafe and community venue whilst the Safer Streets programme was running. Once it was open it provided a venue for meetings, events and drop-ins and provided a connection to local residents.

After refurbishment the shutters on the building were repainted as part of Safer Streets designing out crime arts initiative.

Received support to put anti-climb protection on their roof to complement their own security measures.

Hosts the new community shredder for East Marsh.


Forest School in Grant Thorold Park

Funded to provide outdoor equipment and clothing for the young children to get involved in the park.



Charity focused on supporting people with disabilities. Provided training to their staff, volunteers on service users on recognising and reporting crime, understanding community safety issues and supporting victims. 


Bacon Engineering

Local firm involved with the fabrication and installation of all the alley gates in East Marsh.


Your Place

Local community centre and community gardens. 

Was able to install CCTV based security measures for their site from project funding but also provided considerable connection to residents across the ward to promote the programme.


Grimsby Neighbourhood Centre

Community venue hosted EMI drop-in sessions as well as KOPS older peoples advice day.


Simply Refreshed

Local firm did all the alley clearance and waste disposal services for the project


Humberside Fire and Rescue Services

Played a strategic role in providing information and intelligence to the programme about local fire safety issues. Helped connect community safety messages to residents.


Ward Councillors

Three local ward councillors connected to the programme to reach residents and support all the initiatives within Safer Streets.


Lincolnshire Housing Partnership

Local social housing provider with significant number of properties across East Marsh. Engaged with programme to ensure connection to their residents.

LHP ran a number of events during the programme to connect with their residents.


Hammond House Publishing

Local media company providing the film/media coverage of the programme.


Lynsey Powles

East Marsh resident and urban artist commissioned to paint the mural on the Canopy Cafe in Grant Thorold Park and deliver a number of art based sessions with local young people around East Marsh.



Involved in building community networking around the new pocket park project in conjunction with EMU


Guinness Homes

Local social housing provider with properties across East Marsh. Engaged with programme to ensure connection to their residents.


Freeman Street Market

Busy community venue playing host to EMU community drop-ins; various community sessions; ward councillor surgeries; community safety cache collection point.


Rock Foundation

Received funding to allow them to install CCTV and roller shutters to make their premises more secure to ensure they could continue to deliver their support services to the community.



Church and Youth Centre involved with youth engagement activities in East Marsh with additional funding from Safer Streets.


Mighty Mariners Boxing Academy CIC

Received funding to support their activity based work with local young people


Ghetto Park

Youth activity / skatepark venue in East Marsh and were supported with exploratory work to redevelop their venue. Also provided diversionary sports and fitness activities to local young people.


Nurture Nature

Green projects with local young people and developed an outdoor clothing library for young children.


Green Influencers

A programme delivered by VANEL supporting young people and local schools with environmental and designing out crime projects. Worked with Nurture Nature, the Forest School and Buffalo Bills Garden on environmental projects.


Humber Conservation Volunteers

Volunteer led environmental group. Providing environmental services in East Marsh in partnership with other groups such as VANEL and EMU. Especially supporting the new community park as this develops long term.

Canopy Community Hub

Venue in Grant Thorold Park reopened as a community hub and cafe during the programme. Used as a drop-in for the community and space for a number of programme events.

Shutters painted with community mural during programme.

Hosts the East Marsh Community Shredder

Victim Support

Worked in partnership with others to identify victims of crime in East Marsh and to signpost to additional support and refer for community safety equipment


Citizens Advice

Took referrals from other agencies during the programme to provide advice as necessary for East Marsh residents.
