Social Housing

A large amount of the housing stock in East Marsh is managed by Lincolnshire Housing Partnership (LHP) and other social landlords. Throughout the Safer Streets programme, staff from these social landlords were well connected to the delivery and operational groups and supported their tenants in extra ways as part of Safer Streets.

Team members attended events such as the KOPS Advice Day; worked with others on the ‘door knocking’ days; and delivered their own events and drop-in sessions at their properties.

Initiatives such as the alley clearances and alley gating work required cooperation from social landlords, and team members at LHP and others are also very connected to the Policing team to report local issues as required. The team members very much act as ‘eyes and ears’ for the Policing team as everyone wants the social housing stock to remain safe and secure and to provide a safe environment for residents.

Opportunities also arose for partners to attend events organised by LHP – for example providing scams talks and community safety talks to residents during block-based events.

LHP are also the owners of the patch of land that is being transitioned to community use (as a community garden) as a legacy of this programme and they have been very supportive of this approach.

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