Welcome. This website is brand new and under development. It’s not complete and is changing daily as we develop it. Bear with us!
See our log to see what is new.
Communities in North East Lincolnshire have benefitted from two Safer Streets programmes since 2021 – one in West Marsh (complete) and one in East Marsh (active until late 2023).
This website is a reference point and legacy of those Safer Streets programmes.
Safer Streets East Marsh has just come to a close.
Watch the showcase video (produced September 2023) to find out about the programme.
A couple of elements of the programme are still operating until resources have been used up:
If you live in the focus area of East Marsh, then to enquire about a Home Security visit from Empower visit their website here for contact information.
If you are interested in the Home Security Equipment offer being managed by VANEL then visit their webpage here
A quick reminder from the North East Lincolnshire Council blog about the launch of Safer Streets East Marsh.
Map of the area of focus for Safer Streets East Marsh

Find legacy information about the Safer Streets West Marsh programme here.